J9 Dimension

The J9 Dimension is home to thousands of diverse species and abilities. It was formed almost three thousand years ago when three super-sized asteroids from different locations across the galaxy met up and collided in a central location. The impact caused the creation of a gravitational pull and an explosion seen from many light-years away.  This flash of light seen far in the sky attracted many visitors and by the time they arrived, planets were already being formed.

The three asteroids contained each their element of various gases, metals, and above all one of Tequilian magic. Altogether, this formed what is now known as the three stars. The endless generation of dragonite was a revolutionary deal but is also what would create the dark age we are all in today.

The newly formed planetary system was a new start for many but to Tequilan, it was his. Tequilan is the conquer of the planet Tequila and thousands of others across the galaxy. By the stars containing Tequilian magic, he claimed himself ruler of the newfound planets and of dragonite. A war against the Tequilians broke loose and lasted for years. During that time a small order of dragonights carefully forged orbs as weapons against the ongoing threat and as tools to redirect the stars’ energy to power an energy barrier indefinitely. The war ended by sealing the planet Tequila and the galactic conquer in a locked dimensional pocket. That small order became known as the “Council of the Three Stars” and the planetary system was named “J9” by a U-T0N for graphical purposes. Thus it became known as the J9 Dimension. Sadly, the war did cause permanent damage in the dragonite cycle and introduced a new line of future dangers developing from it.