Ice Goblins

The Ice Goblins, led by Danacus, is a Plutonian-dominant army heavily supported by the Skorpions. The army operates under the sign of “-I-”, a symbol which to Plutons represents the end of all known things, a symbol created by the founder himself. “Ice Goblins” is a simple yet direct description of a plozoni representing that they are or will all be under the control of the northern Plutonian warlord sooner or later.

The Ice Goblins have many allies with their closest being the Skorpion organization. Alongside additional support from Pluton’s moon, Charon, and the planet's faraway cousin, Eris, the Ice Goblins are one of the strongest armies in the J9 Dimension. This army has slowly aimed towards controlling the whole of Pluton, Earth, and then the J9 Dimension. Their only obstacle remaining for Pluton is the southern kingdom which managed to keep peace for so long before forming their advanced army under the command of the last surviving member from Lunari’s Ancient Dragons, General Starfrost...